Objectives of the Trust:
- To support young people’s independence, senseofresponsibility and enable them to cope with lifeindependently.
- To construct, takeover, run and maintaintraining institutions toimpart skills for the young people.
- To felicitate career guidance to all the needystudents.
- To encourage young people to cooperate themselves so that to integrate them positively and make them participate in a wide range of activities.
- To collaborate to the diverse agencies topromoteyouth employment programmes.
- To maximize young people’s participation in social welfareactivities.
- To form groups and associations in the community forthe upliftment of underprivileged sections
- To act as a bridge between the Government and Communities, to ensure the effective implementation of relevant programs and policies.
- To provide required educational facilities for children andadults as well as recreational facilities.
- To develop a responsive community leadership, community organization and institutions.
- To assist community people so that theycould enhance their quality of lives through their socio-economicdevelopments.
- To organize / arrange trainings for the youth of rural and semi-urban area.
- To assist the community in case of any natural calamities.
- To ensure the effective implementation of laws and policies of migrant laborers in thecommunity.
- To ensure the psycho-social rehabilitation of mentally challenged person(s), if any, in the community.
- To ensure the rehabilitation of abandoned person(s) into the mainstream of thesociety.
- To encourage / train the youth for their active participations insports activities.
- To promote the practical aspects of Sustainable Development at the Community level in regard to the improper utilization of the natural resources.
- To do the activities, programmes for the betterment of the society, and to improve socio-economic lives of the people of rural and semi-urban areas which are required to take place as per the requirements and, get decided by the board time to time.
- Objects of the trust are irrespective of caste, creed andreligion.